CBD Benefits for Older Adults

The potential benefits of CBD for older adults are vast and varied. Some of the key benefits include reducing inflammation, easing pain, and improving sleep quality. CBD has also been shown to enhance cognitive function and memory retention. Additionally, the compound can help boost the immune system and reduce anxiety and depression.

If you’re an older adult looking for a way to maintain optimal health as you age, CBD can be very powerful in improving overall health and quality of life:

1. Reducing inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, but it can become chronic if not treated or if the body has a poor response to the inflammation. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce chronic inflammation. Research has shown that CBD can promote a healthy inflammatory response, specifically in those with arthritis.

2. Easing pain 

CBD is a natural pain reliever. It can be used to ease both acute and chronic pain, including arthritis pain. Research has indicated that it can be a healthier alternative for those looking for relief.

3. Improving sleep quality 

CBD can help improve sleep quality by reducing anxiety and improving sleep cycles. One study found that daily CBD intake over a month increased sleep scores in 67% of participants.

4. Enhancing cognitive function

CBD has been shown to improve cognitive function and memory retention in older adults. One study found that CBD improved brain connectivity and boosted brain activity in both healthy individuals as well as those with brain disorders.

5. Boosting the immune system

CBD can help boost the immune system and protect against infection. Research has shown that the compound helps regulate the immune system for a more robust and targeted response.

6. Reducing anxiety 

CBD can reduce anxiety, which can improve quality of life. In the sleep study above, researchers also looked for markers of anxiety in the participants, finding a decrease in nearly 80% of participants in just a month’s time!

How to use CBD oil 

CBD oil can be taken in a variety of ways, including orally, topically, and via inhalation. The best method of delivery will depend on your needs and preferences.

Oral – CBD oil can be taken orally in the form of capsules, tinctures, or edibles.

Topical – CBD oil can be applied topically to the skin in the form of lotions, balms, or salves.

Inhalation – CBD oil can be inhaled as a vapor or smoke. This is a quick way to get CBD into the system. However – like smoking or vaping – it can have negative side effects.

CBD oil is gaining in popularity as a remedy for older adults. If you or someone you know is interested in trying CBD, Lovely Leaf Oil is the right place to begin.

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