Serving Size for Pets

Serving size guidelines are based on your pet’s weight. Starting ‘low and slow’ is the recommended approach. It may take a few days to a couple of weeks for you to begin seeing any results, especially while you fine-tune what works best for your pet. (Or you may see results immediately – again, all pets are unique.) The correct amount for your pet is to be determined, please be patient and remember these are herbal formulas and not pharmaceuticals and work very differently in each pet’s system.

Our infused oils only have two primary ingredients – the hemp extract and oil (organic MCT oil, organic hemp seed oil, or organic olive oil). Flavor is added to keep your pet happy:

  • You can give on an empty or full stomach.
  • You can divide the amounts into multiple servings during the day, usually twice a day for best results.

Begin – ‘Low and Slow’.

If you and your pet are brand-new to CBD oil it is recommended to begin ‘low and slow’, starting with a really low serving size and slowly adjusting over days and weeks as needed. This is for two reasons:

  1. No need to hurry and waste. Your pet may only require a small amount. So while it’s true that plenty of large dogs that take less than 10 mg, for example, it is equally true that many small dogs that take more than 10 mg. Again, your pet’s right amount should be determined with some testing and time.
  2. While not common, make sure the introduction of new oils to their digestive systems does not upset them in any manner. If any loose stool results back down the dosing and give them even more time to acclimate. If it continues to disagree with them stop using and return the product. Customer Support can help you with any returns.

On this really low end some veterinarians have recommended a graduated 3-tier approach, taking up to a week to observe each tier before moving on, if necessary.

Tier 1: 0.05 mg per lb of bodyweight is the low end
Tier 2: 0.125 mg per lb of bodyweight is the middle ground
Tier 3: 0.25 mg per lb of bodyweight is the high end

Two basic levels of Serving Size – “Supplemental” vs. “Therapeutic”

Working with feedback from our Customers and consulting with our Veterinarians we have found most pets end up with serving sizes falling into two basic levels, the lower daily “Supplemental” (includes preventive”) and the higher “Therapeutic” intake. Correspondingly, we have formulated both our Infused Coconut Oil and Infused Hemp Seed Oil in lower and higher concentrations to best meet these needs and cover all sizes, weights and conditions effectively.

The 250 mg Hemp Seed Oil and the 100 mg Coconut Oil both advise with Daily Supplemental recommendations ranging between 1-2 mg per 10 lbs. of your pet’s weight. The lower concentrations better allow for micro-increments such as 1.25 gm, 1.5 gm, 1.75 gm, etc.

The 1000 mg Hemp Seed Oil and the 500 mg Coconut Oil assume a more Therapeutic level recommending between 2-3 mg per 10 lbs of your pet’s weight. The higher concentration allows for more milligrams of the hemp actives using less oil overall.

Pets Weight in lbs. Supplemental 1-2 mg/10 lb. Therapeutic 2-3 mg/10 lb.
1-10 lbs. 1-2 mg 2-3 mg
11-20 lbs. 2-4 mg 4-6 mg
21-30 lbs. 4-6 mg 6-9 mg
341-40 lbs. 5-8 mg 8-12 mg
41-50 lbs. 6-10 mg 10-15 mg
51-60 lbs. 7-12 mg 12-18 mg
61-70 lbs. 9-14 mg 14-21 mg
71-80 lbs. 11-16 mg 16-24 mg
81-90 lbs. 12-17 mg 18-27 mg
91-100 lbs. 14-20 mg 20-30 mg
101-110 lbs. 15-22 mg 22-33 mg
111-120 lbs. 18-24 mg 24-36 mg
121-130 lbs. 19-26 mg 26-39 mg
131-140 lbs. 21-28 mg 28-42 mg
141-150 lbs. 23-30 mg 30-45 mg
150+ lbs. 30 mg+ 45 mg+

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